Understandings of the indigenous teachers of the Ita-Ara school on the traditional knowledge of agriculture of the Pitaguary ethnic group
Ethnobiology, Indigenous education, Agroecology, Traditional knowledgeAbstract
This is an ethnopesquisa carried out at the Ita-Ara indigenous school, located in the indigenous
land of the Pitaguary ethnic group of Monguba, Pacatuba-CE, which sought to investigate
the indigenous women’s understanding of the school’s role in valuing traditional knowledge
linked to Agriculture of the Pitaguary people. All the teachers interviewed showed a deep understanding
about the importance of the school to the strengthening of traditional knowledge
of agriculture and reported to have already developed some project in this sense. Through the
sharing of experiences, the importance of the dialogue between the different knowledge was
evidenced and future projects such as the collective implementation of an agroecological garden
in the school space were established, prioritizing the rescue of the traditional knowledge
of native farmers. In this way education, when based on the valuation of life and diversity, is in
accordance with the principles of agroecology.