Diverse spaces, complementary training: the Agroecology in various parts of the city


  • MENDES, Bianca Pinto Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • DALLA CHIEZA, Emerson Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • GUIMARÃES, Gisele Martins Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Education, Agroforestry, NCFP, Medicinal plants, Organic


There are many factors that influence the content worked within the scope of academic training,
in an attempt to broaden the discution about subjects that are not contemplated or do
not have an in depth debate in the academic ambience, the NEA - UFSM held extracurricular
training spaces with Agroecology related themes in order to promote the expansion of knowledge
and discussion in this area. Four meetings were held in 2016: a) Market analisys and
commercialization of organic products in Brazil; b) Agroforestry: designs and forms for sustainable
agriculture; c) Unconventional Food Plants – UFPs and, d) Use of medicinal plants.The
methodology used for each of the spaces was varied by according to the perspective of each
mediator. It was achieved with the development of this project, the dissemination of topics related
to agroecology as well as the demystification of prejudice about these themes.

