The process of creating the network of guardians and guardians Of seeds of Aldeia Velha, Silva Jardim, RJ


  • MAYA, Tadzia de Oliva Escola da Mata Atlântica
  • SOARES, Taina Mie Seto Escola da Mata Atlântica


Agroecological transition, Creole seeds, Sociobiodiversity, Dialogue of knowledge


This report intends to present the experience of the creation of the network of guardians of
seeds of the Aldeia Velha River Basin, located in the district of Aldeia Velha, Rio de Janeiro,
in the city of Silva Jardim. Against the background of a region marked by cattle ranching, lack
of technical assistance and loss of food sovereignty, the project implemented in the years
2015 and 2016 had the main objective of identifying, recognizing and valuing the guardians
of creole seeds In the region, presenting the agroecological perspective for these themes. In
this process, we identified some points that we believe may be replicable, with emphasis on
the payment of research grants to the farmers themselves and the realization of partnerships
between the Articulação de Agroecologia Serramar, autonomous collectives and national and
international seed networks. The approach of the guardians among themselves and their mutual
recognition were one of the main results of the process.

