Participative restoration of the herbaceous layer in xerophytic woodlands of the Great American Chaco
participatory action research, traditional practices, enclosureAbstract
We present a five year experience in participatory action research (PAR) undertaken by peasants
from the “Central Las Lomitas” local branch of the Peasant Organisation of Santiago del
Estero (MoCaSE- Vía Campesina) grassroots organisation, alongside students and professors
of the School of Agriculture of the University of Buenos Aires. For generations, these local
communities have based their livelihoods on the relationship with native woodlands. Political
and economical factors have had a negative impact on the herbaceous layer. The objective
was to develop management strategies that enable regeneration of the herbaceous layer and
increase of the annual forage supply, promoting cattle production in this highly diversified system.
After PAR, areas with traditional management practices were identified as having high
conservation of biodiversity. Agroecological strategies of management in accordance with traditional
tools would be essential for our system restoration goals.