Use of Pfeiffer chromatography as an indicator of soil quality: monitoring agroecological management of UR-MECA/UFPB
Chromatography, Soil health, Peasant biopowerAbstract
Agroecology has been consolidated by combining several areas of knowledge in the development
of social technologies and improvement of techniques in the social, economic and
scientific spheres. In view of the degradation and misuse of arable soils, the development of
soil quality and fertility analysis technology such as Pfeiffer chromatography becomes very
useful because it is easy to understand and low cost. The aim of the research is to demonstrate
the use of chromatography as an indicator of soil quality. This analises were developed
over two years since the implantation of the UR of the colective Meca. The chromatographic
results indicate that the soil management with agroecological practices is provoking positive
changes in the local soil biota. It is concluded that the chromatography is a technique that can
be used to monitor and guide in a simple and cheap way qualitative actions of agroecological
management of the soils.