The experience of the NEA Ajuri on the construction for the continued formation of the ATER agents on the Northeast of Para


  • SILVEIRA, Gilvando Souza Universidade Federal do Pará/NEA AJURI
  • SILVA, Luis Mauro Santos Programa De Pós-Graduação PDTSA/UNIFESSPA; NCADR/UFPA; NEA AJURI
  • ASSIS, William Santos de Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agriculturas Amazônicas PPGAA/NCADR/UFPA/NEA AJURI
  • PANTOJA, Gisiane Ferreira Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia/NEA AJURI
  • CRUZ, Beatriz da Luz Zootecnista e membro do NEA Ajuri
  • RODRIGUES, Clarissa Miranda Bióloga membro do RNEA


Agro-ecossystems, Sustenaibility, Agroecologia, Assistence


The experience related refers on a continued proposal of capacitation, developed by the NEA
AJURI. The proposal leans on the articulation between teachers, researchers, technics, students
and social organizations, for the development of capacitation action on a continued and
dialogical perspective. The capacitation focus turned around of the MESMIS application as
methodological tool for the evaluation of the sustainability of agro-ecossystems. We have to
weigh the positive evaluation of the capacitation; it seems clear that the tool (MESMIS) needs
a better adaption for some territories. The diversity of experiences is important, but needs tobe

