Percepção de serviços ecossistêmicos e práticas agrícolas entre atores locais na Amazônia Brasileira


  • Antonio Gabriel Lima Resque Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia - UFRA
  • Emilie Coudel CIRAD
  • Marie-Gabrielle Piketty
  • Christophe Le Page CIRAD


Transição agroecológica; Agrobiodiversidade; Atores locais; Políticas públicas.


This study aims to analyze the perception of the relationship established between ecosystem services and agricultural practices by local actors in the Brazilian Amazon, comparing the municipalities of Paragominas and Irituia in the state of Pará. Based on two interviews (out of 30 interviews) with local actors conducted in 2017, one in each municipality, the excerpts with references to ecosystem services and agricultural practices were highlighted and two diagrams were prepared about the interviewees' perception of the theme. A differentiated pattern was found between the two interviewees. Most mentions refer to concrete cases, which suggests a relationship between the perception presented in the diagrams and the local reality. It is concluded that: (a) the diagrams made explicit differences between the way of perceiving ecosystem services and agricultural practices in each case; (b) they can serve as a tool to better explain different stakeholder views on production standards.





CBA - Construção do Conhecimento Agroecológico e Dinâmicas Comunitárias