Igarapes of time

as a tool for monitoring the learning of agroecology by young farmers in the northeastern Para State, Brazil


  • Tatiana Deane Sá de Abreu escola ECRAMA
  • Maria de Nazaré Reis Ghirardi
  • Vincenzino Ghirardi
  • Nathalie Cialdella


Pedagogy of alternation, time line, construction of agroecological knowledge


The experience of time lines, called igarapés of time, in the monitoring of the learning by farmers of the course Agroecology & Cidadania, offered by the Training School for Young Farmers of Amazonian Rural Communities (ECRAMA), Santa Luzia do Pará, initiative of the Bragantina Network of Solidary Economy Arts and Flavors. The course began in 2016 and the igarapés of time were implemented in 2017. At the beginning of the course the participants present the lived reality in their properties, community and municipality, orally and graphically, and are instructed to compose the learning process lived during five presential modules (school time) and four non-presential modules (family / community time). In the classes are adopted practices of cultural circles. At the end of the fifth module are presented the igarapés of time, via drawing, exhibition and discussion. On the last day there is a solemnity for family members and guests of the participants

