Medicinal human body Garden: interdisciplinar pedagogic action in the Amazon


  • PONTES, Thelma Mendes Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • ZANATTA, Gabriel Vargas Universidade federal do Tocantins


Medicinal Plants, Rhizomatic Philosophy, Agroecology, Pedagogic Tools; Agricultural Science Education


The aim of this text is to share the pedagogical actions taken in order to establish the Human
Body Medicinal Garden. The interdisciplinary activity of building, planning and agroecologic
managing made possible to the students to see themselves as authors of an educational tool
of collective health promotion. The methodologic approach was based on the rhizomatic philosophy
concepts and in the skills based education. The garden beds were adapted of the
techniques known as Hügelkultur and laminated composting. Besides the materialization of
the space and of the methodology, the actions involved, in more positive and lasting means,
the academic community, who weekly followed the evolution of the action. This made that the
experience marked itself in more diverse fields in the memory of the students rather than in the
approach of the theme in monological and conventional expositions.

