Why Do Seed Guardian Farmers Keep Their Seeds?


  • Régis de Araujo Pinheiro Universidade Federal de Pelotas – Programa de Pós Graduação em Sistemas de Produção Agrícola Familia
  • Hélvio Debli Casalinho Universidade Federal de Pelotas – Programa de Pós Graduação em Sistemas de Produção Agrícola Familia
  • Irajá Ferreira Antunes Embrapa Clima Temperado
  • Gilberto Antônio Peripolli Bevilaqua Embrapa Clima Temperado


Creole seeds; conservation; in situ; ethnoconservation, survival.


The maintenance of creole seeds by seed-guarding farmers requires clarification to show modern science its meanings, impacts and attitudes. A qualitative and participatory research was used, whose research technique used conversations with previously established questions. The field research took place in the city of Rio Grande - RS and presented six families as a population sample. Maintaining, conserving and sharing a Creole seed is directly linked to the capacity of / for the survival of these actors, since it expands this aspect through the production of food, but it also presents its reflexes in the maintenance of agrocultural aspects, especially in the symbolic meanings that they constitute them as well as through the ways of planting, conserving, selecting, in addition it generates autonomy and food sovereignty and is effective in a form of [re] existence..

