Agroecology in Ecology Education in High School


  • Júlia de Camargo Ismerim UFSCar-Sorocaba
  • Hylio Laganá Fernandes


Agroecology, Agroecological garden, Complexity, High school, Ecology, Botany


Agroecology is the study of agriculture from an ecological perspective, considering and respecting  the interactions between plant and animal species and abiotic factors. Its objective is to create sustainable agricultural systems where natural resources are used efficiently, symbiotic relationships are encouraged, and species diversity is valued, but also incorporates and respects the empirical knowledge of peasant communities, indigenous populations, and family farming. By embracing complexity, agroecology aims to overcome the reductionist view of conventional agriculture by considering the intricate interactions among different components of an agricultural system. The account describes an educational experience in which agroecology will be used as a tool for teaching ecology in high school. Through theoretical and practical activities, students were introduced to the concepts of ecology and agroecology, discussing ecological interactions, levels of organism organization, and agroecological practices. The visit to an Agroecological Learning Space will enable students to apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom. This educational approach seeks to align with the principles of agroecology education, promoting a holistic and interdisciplinary understanding of agricultural systems. Students are encouraged to think critically about ecological interactions, the importance of biodiversity preservation, and the pursuit of sustainable agricultural systems. The experience aims to foster a deeper perception of the interdependence between living organisms and their socio-cultural environment, stimulating reflection on the impacts of human actions on agriculture and sustainability.

