Use of agroforestry systems to restore riparian forest
permanent preservation areas, environmental legislation, Conservation of biodiversityAbstract
This paper reports the experience of the implantation of the first modules of Agroforestry Systems
in areas of riparian forest in the Rural Unit of the Federal Institute of Education Science
and Technology Sudeste of Minas Gerais - Campus of Muriaé. The experience lasted for thirty
months and counted on the dedication of professors, IF technicians, scholarship students, trainees
and outsourced servers for the implementation of the system. Maintenance and monitoring
of the system are still ongoing. The project opens a space for a practical discussion on the
adequacy of rural properties to the current environmental legislation, enabling those involved
to learn and understand the different practices of recomposing such areas in the region, both
for regular students of the IF, Public and private, and for farmers in the region. In addition, it
becomes a space for the practice of the discipline of agroforestry systems.