Agroecological Practices to Combat the Water Crisis in Bororó Village, MS: Experiences and Hopes from the Ara Poty Project



Environmental Education; Families; Water Resources; Sustainability; Work.


The report is a project proposal submitted with a focus on the urgent need to provide access to water resources in the Bororó village, around EMI Agustinho, an area served by Filling Station 2, which has been out of operation for at least two years , and its fundamental measure is to structure the capacity to generate food in students' homes, based on the extension of the vegetable garden that was implemented a year ago and has been worked on by an interdisciplinary team from two postgraduate programs at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (PPGET – Postgraduate Program in Education and Territoriality/FAIND and PPG in Agribusiness/FACE). We aim to develop actions such as opening shallow wells as well as distributing water reservoirs and mapping access and distribution so that it serves a greater number of people from the 15 families that represent 10% of those served in the Station 2 area. We will continue working with the Participatory Action Research method, in which researchers actively engage with the studied community to understand its internal social dynamics and thus carry out effective environmental education that will occur concomitantly with the preservation of cultural identity, thus contributing to the various of the ODS, are achieved, such as ODS 2 - Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture, ODS 3 - Health and Well-being, ODS 4 - Quality Education, ODS 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, ODS 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production and ODS 13 - Climate Action.





AGROECOL - Desenvolvimento territorial em bases agroecológicas