Family Honey Production, Challenges, Environmental Context, and Inspection Seals: A Study Case in Nioaque – MS


  • Artur Guerra Rosa Universidade de Brasília
  • Andréia Alves Rosa
  • Ana Paula Santos
  • Ana Maria Resende Junqueira
  • João Paulo Guimarães Soares


Beekeeping, Interview, Quality Certification, Agroecology


Honey production in Brazil, predominantly carried out by family farmers, holds both economic and environmental significance, as it relies on a diverse flora that requires environmental stewardship from the farmers. A qualitative and quantitative case study was conducted through open interviews and using Iramuteq software on a family farm in Nioaque-MS. The research aimed to investigate the challenges faced by family producers in obtaining the necessary certifications, particularly the "Selo Arte" (“Art Seal”), as well as the financial and legal difficulties associated with this process. The results indicated that farmers face significant obstacles in acquiring inspection seals due to high costs and structural requirements. While the Selo Arte was created to facilitate commercialization, it also imposes strict quality standards. Furthermore, informal marketing and the presence of intermediaries who purchase uncertified honey hinder farmers' ability to generate income. Thus, obtaining inspection seals represents a significant challenge for small-scale honey producers in the region, limiting their opportunities to add value to their products. Although the Selo Arte has potential, it needs to address these challenges comprehensively, and financial and structural limitations constrain the implementation of certified agro-industries. Lastly, while farmers adopt agroecological practices, further research is needed to explore their adoption of sustainable practices, their interest in transitioning to agroecological production, and the prerequisites these farmers are currently meeting.





AGROECOL - Redes de Comercialização, agroecologia e economia solidária