Sunflower in Intercropping with Forage Leguminous. An Option of Agroecological Management for Productive Systems in Argentina Pampa


  • SANCHEZ VALLDUVI, Griselda Estela Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales UNLP, Argentina
  • TAMAGNO, Lia Nora Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales UNLP, Argentina
  • EIRIN, Mariano Antonio Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales UNLP, Argentina
  • DELLEPIANE, Andrea Verónica Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales UNLP, Argentina
  • SIGNORIO, Rodolfo Domingo Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales UNLP, Argentina
  • PASCUAL, María Cecilia Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales UNLP, Argentina


consociation, leguminous, quality of stubble, yield, diversity


The aim was to evaluate the sunflower intercropping with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), lotus
(Lotus corniculatus) or vetch (Vicia sativa) as an alternative of agroecological management
in extensive systems in a field trial in La Plata, Argentina. Yield and biomass sunflower not differ
significantly between treatments without affecting their productivity. The monoculture was
the treatment with more biomass of the system and of the harvest residue, which was related
to greater weight of weeds than the intercultures. The biomass reached by clover and lotus
was very low and the vicia ended its cycle early. At three months of harvest the residue of the
intercropping with red and lotus had higher total volume although they did not differ from monoculture.
At that time the red clover represented 50% of the residue and had less biomass of
weeds than the other treatments. This suggests that this intercropping can contribute a residue
of better quality and apply more weed suppression than monoculture. The sunflower consociation
with red clover could contribute to the agroecological management of the sunflower in a
low input model production and contribute to sustainability of agroecosystems.

