Nucleus of Studies in Agroecology and Organic Production from Viamão- RS (EcoViamão): Actions of education and promotion of sustainability


  • FIOREZE, Claudio IFRS-Campus de Viamão
  • AGUIAR, Marcos Daniel S. de IFRS-Campus de Canoas


agroecological transition, education, school gardens, cooperativism, healthy eating


The Nucleous of Studies in Agroecology and Organic Production of Viamão-RS (“EcoViamão”)
project, approved in mid-2016 by the Public Call MCTI-MAPA-CNPq 02/2016, involves the
socio-environmental and economic environment of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul
(IFRS) - Campus in Implantation of Viamão-RS, where it was proposed to contribute with a
set of articulated actions of ecologization of productive and social processes (especially the
educational ones) in Viamão, extending in some actions to the municipality of Canoas and
Porto Alegre. The focus of EcoViamão is on the agroecological transition of processes, on the
valuation of its important conservation units (which cover almost 30% of the 1500 km² of the
municipality, with parks, refuges and APAs of great ecosystem value), and of the traditional
communities of the region (in particular the Guarani Mbyiá indigenous villages, quilombola
communities and artisanal fishermen) and has a special emphasis on encouraging technical and social training in agroecology and organic production and technological innovation for enterprises
Sustainable (cooperative and solidarity economy). Despite the long delay in the transfer
of funding resources, actions are already being developed with almost 20 local schools in
gardens and food security; articulate courses of technical and social formation in agroecology
and organic production and cooperativism, including for indigenous communities; movements
are initiated for organic and artisan fairs in the periphery of Viamão, bringing together those
who produce the consumers with greater social and nutritional vulnerability; and initiates actions
in sustainable entrepreneurship and promotion of the consumption of healthy foods.

