Characterization of native açaizal in the Project de Assentamento Agroextrativista Praialta Piranheira, Southeastern of Pará


  • ARAÚJO, Claudionisio de Souza IFPA/CRMB
  • MORAIS, Aline Batista Fernandes IFPA/CRMB
  • SILVA, Albertina Lopes da IFPA/CRMB
  • SILVA, Ângela Cristina Lopes da IFPA/CRMB
  • SANTANA, Adão Almeida IFPA/CRMB


FamilyAgro-ecosystem, Sustainability, Management


Among the vast amount of timber and non-timber products in the Amazônica region, the açaí
(Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Has gained space mainly for its multiple use and has a positive economic
impact on the local economy, which has contributed to an increase of the exploration in
the areas of açaizais. In this perspective the present work objective to characterize the native
açaizal and to describe the management in 3 familiar agroecosystems. As a methodology,
three areas of 25 X 25 m were inventoried, one in each agroecosystem, and a record was recorded
in the field of activities related to management. The analyzes were related to the mean
and standard deviation: of height, stem diameter and number of bunches. The results showed
that the agroecosystem 02 presented the lowest abundance, the diametric distribution showed
in the agroecoss systems 01 and 02, it has more regenerants, which allows the renewal of the
açaizal after thinning and in the three evaluated areas the same management was carried out.

