Sustainability in agro-ecosystem based coffee family and in agroecological transition


  • CARVALHO, Arnaldo Henrique de Oliveira Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - Campus Ibatiba
  • FONTAN, Ivan da Costa Ilhéu Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - Campus Ibatiba
  • LIMA, Wallace Luís de Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - Campus de Alegre
  • OLIVEIRA, Fábio Luiz de Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo


family farming, Agroecology, management


The agroecological transition should be gradual, considering the particularities of each agroecosystem.
The evolution of soil and crop quality indicators in a coffee agroecosystem was
evaluated two years after the beginning of the transition. The work was carried out in the rural
area of Ibatiba / ES. Soil and crop indicators were evaluated, assigning scores from 1 to 10 (1
being the least desirable value, 5 moderate value and 10 being the preferential value). In the
soil quality, the indicators “erosion”, “organic blanket” and “state of vegetal debris and soil cover”
stood out. The indicators “indicator plants”, “erosion” and “plant diversity” showed a slight
improvement, while “biological activity”, “depth of the dark layer” and “state of vegetal debris
and soil cover” were slightly reduced. In the quality of cultivation, indicators of “crop pests”,
“diseases in culture”, “competition with spontaneous plants” and “surrounding natural diversity”
stood out. The “afforestation” deserves to be highlighted by the perceived improvement. The
agro-ecosystem is in the initial phase of transition, which influenced the results obtained, not
yet showing significant improvements.

