Influence of Green Manuring on Bulb Quality of Onion
Allium cepa L, classification, defects, cover plant.Abstract
Bulb quality and onion yield are linked to climatic factors such as temperature and photoperiod as well as genetic and management factors. The bulbs are classified into types: extra, category 1 and category II, taking into account the serious and slight defects of bulbs, such as: thick stalks, sprouts, rot, black spot and mold, bad formation, deformed, lack of dry peels, flaccidity, discoloration and mechanical damage. The green fertilization favors the recovery of physical and chemical properties of the soil. The experiment was carried out in the Federal University of Grande Dourados area. The experimental design was in subdivided plots, with four replications, five cultivation systems: spontaneous vegetation; Onion cultivation in succession the following crops: millet; Jack beans; velvet bean and Crotalaria and two hybrid onion cultivars (Andromeda and Aquarius). After the management of the green manure, the onion seedlings were transplanted. The harvest was performed when more than 60% of the plants were clicked and after the curing period, the quality of bulbs was evaluated and classified into: normal bulbs, bulbs with light defects and bulbs with severe defects. The percentage of bulbs with mechanical damage was 3.63%, followed by 6.75% with cigar-type bulbs, 28.63% with thick-bulb bulbs, and finally 63.38% of normal bulbs. Green fertilizers did not affect the quality of the bulbs. The cultivar Andromeda presents satisfactory performance in the production of normal bulbs.