Good Practices and Sanitary Legalization in the Manufacture of Handmade Candy


  • Angela Christina Conte Thedoro Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Ana Lucia Lima
  • Juliana Rodrigues Donadon
  • Raquel Pires Campos


Quality, Chocolate, Safety.


Abstract: The commercialization of artisanal food products has increased considerably these days. The chocolate presents great consumption and in the form of bonbons has important acceptance by the consumer and influence in the presentation of the bonbon. However, there is concern about the quality and safety of these handmade foods. The objective of this work was to evaluate the regularization of the activity of sanitary interest in the manufacture of handicraft products aiming at safety and quality during this manufacturing. An on - site observation of the production of homemade chocolates was carried out in the city of Campo Grande - MS, characterizing a case study. The artisanal chocolate production establishment presented 54.79% of the items in conformity on the Good Manufacturing Practices checklist. It is possible to guide the microentrepreneur on the Normative Instruction - IN No. 16, of April 26, 2017, DRC No. 49, of October 31, 2013 and RDC N ° 153, of April 26, 2017, aiming at sanitary regulation framing the product as low sanitary risk.





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