Report of Extension Action in the Quilombola Community Chacára Buriti

The Importance of Good Manufacturing Practices


  • Lucas Kenzo Shimabukuro Casimiro Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)
  • Danielle Bogo
  • Luciana Miyagusku
  • Rita de Cássia Avellaneda Guimarães
  • Ieda Maria Bortolotto


biodiversity, food security, family farming


The objective of this work is to report the extension actions about good practices of manufacturing of the extension program Valorization of Pantanal and Cerrado Food Plants, from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The program aims to bring communities knowledge about the native fruits of the pantanal and cerrado, so that communities can use fruits as a source of income. One of these actions was the realization of workshops in the Quilombola Community Chacára Buriti. In the community live families descendants of quilombolas who intend to make bakery products for local commercialization. The aim of the action was to convey to the community notions of good manufacturing practices so that they could produce products with quality and safety for consumers. The activities were directed especially to the community with the participation of ten women. Through slides presentation, culture plates with bacterial growth and dynamics, it was possible to transmit to the community the knowledge and importance of adopting measures of good practices of manipulation for food production. The result of the workshop was the awareness of the participants regarding the hygiene of the hands and the use of appropriate clothing, aiming to reduce the chances of contamination of the food for the production of safe and quality products for the consumers. In this way, contributing to the utilization of native resources of the flora and valuing the biodiversity and local cultures.





AGROECOL - Agroindústria Familiar dos produtos da sociobiodiversidade e agregaç