The Preference for Organic Foods and Agroecology as Key to Changing Eating Habits:

a Case Study in the Municipality of Marmeleiro - Paraná


  • Allan Jordy Gertler Federal University of Paraná - UTFPR
  • Mayza Izadora Lora Federal University of Paraná - UTFPR
  • Wilson Itamar Godoy Federal University of Paraná - UTFPR
  • Anna Paula Alves Rodrigues Federal University of Paraná - UTFPR
  • Fabiana Barrionuevo Federal University of Paraná - UTFPR


agroecology, food, organic


Attending the fairs of organic products of their municipalities has become a habit, having a greater contact with the rural producer and knowing the origin of the products to be consumed, this tendency does not exist only for the fact of the change of alimentary habits of the population, but for the fact the existence of a public that thinks about the environment, the preservation of resources and values ​​the participation of the farmer as an agent precursor of these processes, "Focusing on this market is also to give support to the system of clean production. As in any market, the production and consumption of organic products requires a focus on the consumer profile and on their decision criteria for the consumption of such products (TREVIZAN and CASEMIRO, 2009). The logistics of perishable products of this type, whose distribution and consumption must be carried out daily, is a crucial factor for the producer who does not have the possibility to store products and deliver them to the point of sale when there is an increase in demand or when it is more advantageous for themselves (Mackenzie Journal of Management, 2004). For this to be possible it is necessary that the farmer has a good planning of times of planting and harvesting, so that in the adequate time can commercialize its products that are in the majority perishable, the level of education and the economic potential of the population is directly linked to the eating habits of each group, thus the higher these levels the greater the knowledge regarding the importance of healthy eating

