Baldinhos Revolution - The importance of composting in cities for the development of Agroecological Urban Agriculture
Revolução dos Baldinhos – a experiência de reaplicação de Tecnologia Social nas políticas de habitação urbana
Agroecology, Urban Agriculture, Composting.Abstract
The present work aims to present the experience of the process of reapplication of Social Technology
Management of Organic Residues and Urban Agriculture - Revolution of the Baldinhos,
carried out in the enterprise of My House My Life: Residencial Campinas, in the municipality of
Macaíba-RN. It is the experience of women with the work of collecting organic residues from
household kitchens in the community for the production of thermophilic static composting with
passive aeration for the production of fertilizer for food production and gardening in cities. The
origin of the development of this method happened in the composting sector of the UFSC / SC,
known as the UFSC Method, becoming social technology through the community technical advice idealized by the Center for Studies and Promotion of Group Agriculture - CEPAGRO /
SC with the Monte Cristo community / SC, where the Baldinhos Revolution was spread eight
years ago. Through the Urban Housing Project with Social Technology - MUTS, accompanied
by the Association of Support to the Communities of the Field of Rio Grande do Norte - AACC
/ RN and with the support of the Banco do Brasil Foundation - FBB Social Technology can be
applied, being the first experience Country. The contributions of TS from the Baldinhos Revolution
to agroecology in cities are numerous, leading to debate on the National Solid Waste
Policy, joining forces to the discussion on the urban environment, sovereignty and food security
in cities, urban agriculture and so on. In the experience in question, it also points out the possibilities
of autonomy and empowerment for women, against unemployment, gender inequality
and environmental education with children