Núcleo Temático Sertão Agroecológico - UNIVASF: teoria e prática por meio de intervenções dialógicas no Assentamento Terra da Liberdade em Petrolina/PE


  • Elson de Oliveira CVT/NEA Sertão Agroecológico da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco/ UNIVASF
  • Helder Ribeiro Freitas Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco/ UNIVASF
  • Cristiane Moraes Marinho Instituto Federal Sertão (IF Sertão/PE) Campus Santa Maria da Boa Vista/PE
  • Adriano Silva CVT/NEA Sertão Agroecologico da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco/ UNIVASF
  • Denes Dantas Vieira Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco/ UNIVASF
  • Rita Rodrigues Gonçalves-Gervasio Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco/ UNIVASF


Agroecologia; Diagnostico Rápido Participativo; Produção Orgânica; Interdisciplinaridade.


The objective of this work was to analyze the interdisciplinary teaching / extension action developed by the curriculum component of UNIVASF, "Thematic Nucleus - NT Sertão Agroecológico" through participative and dialogic interventions in the Settlement Terras da Liberdade, Petrolina, PE. The entire intervention process was conducted by members of CVT Sertão Agroecológico and eight undergraduate students enrolled in the NT. This activity enabled the students to have the first contacts with Participatory Methodologies, DRP, Agroecology and social organization of productive groups in a practical way, complementing the theoretical content discussed in the classroom. These interventions made teaching / learning possible by valuing the different forms and types of knowledge. The reflections went through the rupture of the dichotomy between theory and practice, promote the relationship between university and society and contributed to the critical training of professionals to work with rural communities.





CBA - Construção do Conhecimento Agroecológico e Dinâmicas Comunitárias