Empowered Women, food on the table: The case of organic horticulture women from Vila Murumuru, Marabá-Pará


  • CHAVES, Tahnity Haarad Moura Universidade Federal do Pará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão dos Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento Local na Amazônia, NUMA- Núcleo de Meio Ambiente
  • MANESCHY, Rosana Quaresma Universidade Federal do Pará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão dos Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento Local na Amazônia, NUMA- Núcleo de Meio Ambiente


Empowerement, Vegetable, Gender


Women and the relationship with the production of organic vegetables in Vila Murumuru have
caused autonomy in their relationship both in the family unit and in society. The production of
organic vegetables generated an alternative income to these women, with the sale of the product
in the community itself and the Sunday market in Marabá, benefiting the tables of people
with healthier foods. Female empowerment is in all social spheres.

