Peasant basket as strategy of alliance countryside-city by sovereignty food


  • TEIXEIRA, Leile Silvia Candido Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • MELO, Mayná Peixinho Moreno Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Campininate, Agroecology, Healthy food


This communication reports an activity of the university extension project: “Settlers
of Agrarian Reform and University” developed with the Small Producers Movement
(MPA), the Healthy Foods Peasant Basket. The project has existed for 3 years
and has a steady stream. Its overall objective is to strengthen the rural-urban alliance
for food sovereignty by providing access to quality food for urban workers on the
one hand and strengthening the organization of the peasant movement on the other.
The central axis of the work is the debate about the logic of production and circulation of food,
so the work is based on the pillars of agroecological production and the strategy of direct
marketing through consumption centers. Currently, the food distributed comes from 25 peasant
families in the municipality of Nova Iguaçú, Rio de Janeiro, and the MPA-Nacional. In consumption,
the project reaches 250 families of urban workers organized in 7 distribution centers,
6 in Rio de Janeiro and 1 in Niterói.

