Proximity markets, Mexicans experiences of direct commercialization Mercados de proximi


  • Isabel Cristina Lourenço da Silva
  • Claudia Petry
  • Narciso Barrera-Bassols


circuitos curtos de comercialização; consumo responsável; alimentação saudável; comércio justo.


The present work deals with two experiments of direct commercialization of organic foods in the State of Jalisco-Mexico, the two organizations analyzed are part of RASA (Red de Alternativas Sustentables Agrícolas Agrícolas de Jalisco). The study was developed in April 2019, based on the qualitative research. The marketing experiences of Farmer's Market and the Producers' Fair can be classified as proximity markets, inserted in the short marketing channels. These are different experiences from Brazilians, because we have many advances in relation to the organization of fairs and participatory certification, but we still have many challenges ahead, making more fairs and spaces of direct marketing happen. These markets of proximity markets become increasingly important in our society, bringing together producers and consumers, narrowing social relations, shortening the distances covered by these foods.

Keywords: short marketing circuits; responsible consumption; healthy eating; fair trade





CBA - Economias dos Sistemas Agroalimentares de Base Agroecológica