Ecology relations in agricultural technical education: a research proposal in the orchard of the Antonio Gonçalves family school
Ecology; Rural extension; Alternation Pedagogy; Education.Abstract
Ecological relationships are defined as the interactions between living beings that inhabit terrestrial ecosystems. In order to facilitate the teaching-learning process of students regarding these relationships, a practical activity was proposed with the 2nd year class of technical vocational education at Escola Família Agrícola de Antônio Gonçalves-BA. The study was divided into four stages, using active methodologies the students were led to reflect and interact during the theoretical approach in the classroom, later the students formed teams to collect and identify the insects that participate in these ecological interactions in the school orchard and later the results were presented in a seminar format, reporting the relevance of these beings to the agricultural area. Practical activities are teaching-learning instruments that strengthen the theoretical approach, stimulate scientific initiation and motivate student participation.