Rescue and registration of local varieties of seeds produced and stored by family farmers in Manacapuru-AM


  • Suzy Cristina Pedroza da Silva TCE-AM, Setor Ambiental, Manaus-AM
  • Henrique dos Santos Pereira UFAM, FCA, Manaus-AM
  • Therezinha de Jesus Pinto Fraxe UFAM, FCA, Manaus-AM
  • Kédima Sarmento Abadias UFAM, PPGAT, Manaus-AM
  • Cloves Farias Pereira UFAM, FCA, Manaus-AM
  • Jozane Lima Santiago UFAM, FCA, Manaus-AM
  • Ademar Roberto Martins de Vasconcelos UFAM, PPG-CASA, Manaus-AM
  • Selton Machado Silva UFAM, FES-DEA, Manaus-AM
  • Márcia Cristina Rodrigues Silva UFAM, PPG-CASA, Manaus-AM
  • Gislany Mendonça de Sena UFAM, PPG-CASA, Manaus-AM
  • Ane Karoline Rosas Brito UFAM, PPG-CASA, Manaus-AM
  • Nayara Mariana da Silva Machado Instituto Acariquara, Setor Socioambiental, Manaus-AM


Seed Management, Family Farming and Local Varieties.


Local plant species and varieties maintained by family farmers are genetic resources of high value for the sovereignty and food and nutritional security of local communities. However, they run the risk of being extinguished mainly by substitution by modern cultivars. These varieties when grown in a few localities, in small areas and by few farmers, are at greater risk of being lost. The Amazon is one of the largest centers of domestication of plants in the world and, like its original populations in the past, currently, family farmers in the study areas continue to cultivate and, therefore, maintaining a part of this agrobiodiversity.

