“Creole seeds” - knowledge and social practices in traditional communities from the caiçaras, quilombolas and faxinalenses in the State of Paraná


  • Cleusi T. Bobato Stadler Doutoranda PPGG- UEPG/PR Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa


Agrobiodiversity; Territorialities; Seed Bank; Memory.


This work presents the production of scientific knowledge from social subjects, making an interlocution between the concept of territory / territorialities, socio-environmental and cultural practices. Its main objective is to understand how the actor-subject of traditional communities Faxinal Sete Saltos (Ponta Grossa), quilombola Palmital dos Pretos (Campo Largo) and caiçara Guaraguaçú (Pontal do Paraná) materialize, reproduce and symbolize agrobiodiversity, giving meaning to their territorialities. The creation of a Creole Seed Bank in these communities represents a new collective strategy for the revaluation of agrobiodiversity, as efforts are organized to locate and produce varieties of corn, rice, beans, cassava and even native trees. Through an ethnomethodological approach, with analysis of narratives, representations and everyday practices, the intention is to seek in agrobiodiversity the subjectivities and practices of individuals, their relationship with nature, their memories and knowledge.

