Community Creole Seed Bank Lucinda Moretti: Conserving seeds and promoting the autonomy of family farmers in the south of Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Julio Cesar Pereira Lobtchenko Docente Instituto Federal – Campus Naviraí, MS
  • Zefa Valdivina Pereia Docente Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Maikely Larissa Bormann Maciel dos Santos Discente do Curso de Medicina Veterinária-Faculdades Anhanguera Dourados
  • Leila Cristini Selini Dorce Agricultora Familiar, Banco Comunitário de Sementes Crioulas Lucinda Moretti, MS
  • Elizângela Martins Biazotti dos Santos, Instituto Cerrado Guaraní


Agrobiodiversity, Agroecology, Creole Seeds


Seed banks are important social technologies that allow family farmer autonomy. In this sense, this work aimed to report the experience in seed conservation and exchange of the Creole Seed Bank Lucinda Moretti, in the municipality of Juti, MS. The Bank was created through the Creole Seed Banks project: a strategy for the conservation of agrobiodiversity in rural communities in Mato Grosso do Sul, approved by the so-called mcti / ct-agribusiness / ct-amazônia / cnpq nº 48/2013. In the years 2017 to 20.19 the Bank benefited, stored and distributed more than 3 tons of seeds, benefited 65 farmers, settlers and indigenous people, provided savings of R $ 50,000.00 due to the non-need to purchase seeds in the local market . The Juti Creole Seed Community Bank supports an important conservation strategy, genetic and environmental restoration of regional agrobiodiversity, ensuring the survival of the Creole Seed Germplasm bank in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, through family farmers and other associated communities .

