A contribuição dos agroecossistemas orgânicos do Sul de Minas Gerais
Redes agroalimentares; Gestão participativa; Certificação orgânica.Abstract
Organic certification guarantees compliance with good agricultural practices, offers adequate working conditions, respects and values the producer and establishes the payment of fair prices, contributing to local rural development. This work aims to identify the scenarios present in the organization of organic farmers in southern Minas Gerais for the production of ecologically-based foods and locate alternative distribution routes present in the territory. By accessing the 2021 registration data of organic producers at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), a cross was made with the databases of municipal public policies in agroecology from Agroecology in Network and the fair map of the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Protection (IDEC). It is expected that the quantitative study makes visible the ongoing initiatives in southern Minas Gerais and contributes to the discussion of the social construction of a solidary economy and consumption.