Agroecology and Freirian Pedagogy: from class to pratice from pratice to class


  • Letícia Hanna dos Santos Falcão FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Roxana Ruiz Buendía, Mestra
  • Matthews Rocha Mello


Question Pedagogy; Political Ecology; Agroecological Knowledge.


This work is an experience report written by an undergraduate student of the Bachelor's Degree in Agroecology, regarding her experience with Paulo Freire’s (1985) Pedagogy of the Question as the methodological format for the “Fundamentals of Socioeconomic Analysis” discipline. From this starting point,  the reflection on the incorporation of the Pedagogy of the Question in the discipline and how it reverberates in the educational process in the academic, professional and citizen scope is shared. Discussing other teaching-learning methodologies that encourage people to lear, research and reflect on the social and environmental dynamics of the territories where they live is fundamental in the training of professionals and educators in Agroecology. As a basis for the discussion, the discipline, the methodology used and the contents that were worked during the semester are presented in the fisrt place, briefly discussing how these inspire or can inspire Agroecology in Teaching-Research-Extension.





RTA - Ética, epistemologia, formação e construção do conhecimento agroecológico