Community supported agriculture (CSA): an experience that happen in Santa Maria, RS.


  • Jéssica Bittencourt Romeiro Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Gisele Martins Guimarães


sustainability; agrifood system; conscious consumption


The Community that Sustains Agriculture (CSA) is a participatory system, an example of solidarity economy, where the community (consumers/co-farmers) finances agro-ecological production (farmers), establishing bonds of trust between producers and consumers. The main objective of this organization is the valorization of local production and the conscientious consumption of food, in addition to food sovereignty and, consequently, sustainability. This paper presents the experience that takes place in the municipality of Santa Maria in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. It intends to show how the actions established between the subjects involved are anchored in the principles of Agroecology, and can contribute to the development of family farming from this point onwards. aspects that go beyond economic value, incorporating social, food and environmental issues.

