Agroecological management of the PAIS system in the field school: an experience in Chapada Diamantina, BA


  • Maria do Amparo Gomes Carvalho CETEP e MPA
  • Kriscia Santos Argolo
  • Horasa Maria Lima da Silva Andrade
  • André Santos Vilas Boas
  • Silvana Lúcia da Silva Lima


agroecology, science teaching, social technology


The realities of the subjects are presented as a starting point, in the problematization of local situations, motivates students to be a researcher, and drives them to seek solutions. In this sense, the objective of this work was to encourage the scientific training of students in the final years of elementary II, through the management of the PAIS System of the João Macário de Souza Municipal School, Lençóis - Bahia. The action research is the current methodological strategy and it develops between August and November 2021. There were five moments of dialogue sing-ups and collective constructions with the students and their families. Finally, the school community is active in solving real problems of everyday life

