Colocando minhocas na cabeça: Transposição didática dos fundamentos da produção e aplicação de bioinsumos na formação técnica no IFPA Castanhal

didactic transposition of the fundamentals of production and application of bioinputs in technical training at IFPA Castanhal


  • Gilberta Carneiro Souto Instituto de Educação, Ciência e Tencologia do Pará - Campus Castanhal
  • Louise Ferreira Rosal Instituto de Educação, Ciência e Tencologia do Pará - Campus Castanhal
  • Roberta de Fátima Rodrigues Coelho Instituto de Educação, Ciência e Tencologia do Pará - Campus Castanhal
  • Romier da Paixão Sousa IFPA - Campus Castanhal


Olericulture, organic matter, educational practices


This text sought to systematize educational practices based on the production and use of bioinputs in technical training at IFPA Castanhal. Therefore, it seeks to understand the motivation behind the creation of the space for the production of bioinputs; to present the production of bioinputs as a mainstay of the ecological and pedagogical transition; characterize the horticulture sector as a didactic transposition space for the debate on ecological soil management; and, finally, carrying out a dialogue with the principles and guidelines of Education in Agroecology. Therefore, the didactic transposition experienced has made it possible to reach the knowledge taught with a diverse repertoire of knowledge, arising from scientific theories materialized in curricular contents, which are combined with individual knowledge and concrete agroecological practices focused on food systems.

